Jay Romy

All about Me

This site is going to do with my life. Anything interesting, funny, or just out of the ordinary. It will have a quote page, links to my other sites and clubs, and if I find time, a journal section including some really interesting and funny stuff.

!!! Warning !!!
This site might contain some explict content. Nothing too bad, but I figured I would put this here, just because I have a habit of swearing, without even knowing. Some people find this inapropriate, but sorry, thats how I am. Plus I think censorship sucks. I might not even put anything bad on here, but this warning is just incase.

More Stuff
More stuff is coming soon. Trust me. Otherwise this site would suck.

What do you think?
I want to hear from you. What do you think of my site? If you have any ideas of cool things to add to my site, email me. If you are a grammer nut and see any thing wrong with my site, tell me. I want to hear from you positive (+) or negative (-) feedback, anything.

Red Waffle
This is my main website, Red Waffle. Many people wonder "Why Red Waffle? What does that mean?" Well, I just wanted a cool name for my website, and thought of it. I like names of things that use 2 words that you never see together, and I thought Red Waffle was a good one.